Bucktlist.com - free travel itineraries and activity plans

Researching a hike, a new city or a new activity takes time - often a lot of time. Additionally most blogs and articles often lack: details, descriptive photos and in particular: maps! This results in travellers missing out on great stops during a road trip, getting lost on hikes, overestimating how much they can fit into a day or underestimating the difficulty of an outdoor hike / trip.

This website was built from the ground up for travel writers and contributors to write travel itineraries. Travel vloggers can use it to create and share a step by step itinerary of their most recent video - and form a deeper relationship with their audience (helping them do the same trip) and people interested in doing a hike/adventure/activity can use the detailed maps to understand; where to park, what direction to walk, the things they will on the activity / itinerary etc.

Itinerary plans can be for the outdoors (a hike, sightseeing etc) or for the CBD (museums, main attractions etc).